Monday, February 22, 2010


ETHOS- When I first saw this advertisement I really thought it was smart for the company to use a celebrity. In this advertisement they use the face and a direct quote from Matt Damon. For the most part people trust celebrities and he's no different you really believe and trusts what he has to say about the water and he might be using a little bit of pathos because there's a shot of some impoverished children, and makes you want to help by buying the product.

LOGOS- At first glance one might not see what the advertisement is about but after a second look I could tell that the people who made this ad were being very creative using sex to sell their beer. What I can get out of the ad is that basically that this type of beer is a man's drink and those who do well they might just be well-endowed in some way. This ad uses sex in a non-traditional way by arranging the bottles in a certain way.

PATHOS- I found a PETA because I know that sometimes their advertisements tend to be very graphic and people have a very strong reaction to this. This advertisement wasn't any different it was very hard to look at it because it seems so barbaric. If I even had the money to buy a fur coat (which I don't!), and saw this advertisement it would impede me from buying it. I just couldn't believe what I was seeing it wasn't logical it was just the feeling that I got from seeing the picture that of disgust and guilt. Disgust for the mere reason that I can't imagine anyone doing that to an animal, and guilt for the fact that if I were ever to wear fur I would feel bad about an animal dying so I could look more stylish.

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